Sabtu, 28 Januari 2012


Pembacaan ini adalah pertama kalinya saya menggunakan sebaran dua kartu dengan interpretasi bebas. Saya merasa masih ada kehilangan alur berpikir dalam interpretasi ini. Pembacaan ini diperuntukkan bagi sahabat dekat saya yang sedang mempersiapkan pernikahannya. Kami sudah lama tidak bertemu dan saya sangat merindukannya. Lalu tercetuslah keinginan untuk membacakan kartu baginya. Dia tidak meminta tetapi saya yang memberikannya (awal-awal memang sulit untuk mencari orang yang memang mau dibacakan kartu tarot, jadi dari pada tidak belajar, inisiatif saja membacakan buat orang lain hehehe). Sambil membayangkan keberadaannya, saya mengocok kartu kemudian menarik dua kartu. Kartu yang hendak berbicara kali ini adalah kartu temprance (kesederhanaan) dan kartu strength (kekuatan).

Interpretasi :

I see in my readings, The Strength and Temprance card is stand before you.

You have the potential skill and inner strength to tame the problem you are facing now, yet you havent realize it. You are unsure about your capability. Maybe you think “the problem is to big,am i strong enough, do i have the capacity, will i survive if I made the wrong choice. Stop doubting yourself, take a moment to oversee what you have achieve until now, that is the proof that you have the potential skill and inner strength to tame the problem you are facing now. Believe that you can. Analyse your problem and plan your solution. You have the gift to solve problem in a beautiful way. Temprance indicate this is a problem about balancing your life. Balancing income and expences, balancing wants and need, balancing work and free time, balancing you and your partner personality, etc. And if you are planning to share your life with someone that you love, remember balance. This card suggest you to lower your expectation to your partner and ask yourself “have I give a balance contribution in this relationship?” Your partner somehow is the opposite of you and balance is important in your relationship to overcome every difficulties. He will do his part as you are have to do your part in balancing your relationship. You will find your partner modesty and low profile is charming and your big and compassionate personality is what he need. Remember balance, because this is the moment you will mix your personal life with your partner. Right mix will create a better taste, but wrong mix will end in a trash. Your strength proof that you can handle this opposite attraction in a beautiful way.

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